INSO organises peace march against violence

Indian National Students Organisation
Press Note

Chandigarh, August 26: INSO activists led by PU campus INSO president Miss Deepika Thakur organised peace march at PU campus against the violence in student’s politics. INSO activists also lighted candles at students centre.
While addressing the students, INSO President Miss Thakur called upon all the other students’ organisation to observe restraint to avoid violence. The violent incidents defame student politics, she added.
INSO leaders severally condemned the yesterday's violent incident. Students felt that violence is harmful for the peaceful university atmosphere and put bad name to the PU and students politics.
Large number of students including INSO leaders Sukhdev Kundu, INSO PU campus chairman Deepak Hooda, INSO Chandigarh state president Sunil Kumar, former PUCSC General Secretary Mr Sunny Bhardwaj, INSO working president Sudhir Mehra, Mr Virender Boora, Mr Tapan Wadhwa and other INSO students’ leaders participated in the peace march.


Vikrant Malik said...

We are always looking forward to scrap the violent activities from the beautiful P.U campus. Students from all the departments are supporting us in big numbers in this matter as well. So, we are asking all other students to come with us so that we can provide them a peaceful environment in campus so that we can go ahead with new ideas of student welfare instead of fighting(what others are doing).

Anonymous said...

very gud bro.....ur support is always welcome n well recieved...jai bharat jai INSO